
VMax Full Experience

The package contains:

  • Adult course with 3 sessions
  • A dish of your choice from the Vmax restaurant menu

Course Duration: 105 minutes
Age of participation: 16+
Course Content: Track walk, where you will learn notions of piloting applied on the VMax circuit.
The practical part where you will implement what you learned in adult sessions.
Course Notions:
How to identify the ideal route and approach each turn precisely, especially the hairpin.
How to use the boost button, where you have to brake and where you can press the accelerator to the maximum and much more …

The package contains adult sessions. No prior reservation is required.
A reservation is required in advance.
No driving license or motorcycle experience required.
For any information you can contact us at the phone number 0760 100 855 during the program or by email at contact@vmaxkarting.ro.
One session represents 8 minutes on the track.

Number of people in the package: 5
Duration of the experience:105 minutes

1.700,00 lei

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valabil luni – duminica

valabil in toate locatiile

vouchere sunt valabile 6 luni de la data achizitiei cu exceptia Grand Prix Experience valabil un an de la data achizitiei;

voucherele se vor trimite prin email in format pdf

vouhcerele sunt nominale

*O sesiune reprezinta 8 minute de race pe circuit

** Voucherele sunt nominale, nu pot fi folosite de mai multe persoane

***Ne rezervam dreptul de a selecta minorii care vor putea accesa sesiunile si karturile pentru adulti.

**** Minorii sub 16 ani trebuie insotiti in locatie de un parinte sau un tutore legal la prima sesiune.

***** Ne rezervam dreptul de a gestiona numarul de sesiuni JUNIOR si VMAX pe ora. Datorita numarului limitat de kart-uri si incarcatoare tip Junior nu putem rula mai mult de 2 sesiuni Junior pe ora, astfel sesiunile ADULT vor avea prioritate.

****** Voucherele sunt valabile timp de un an, in toate locatiile VMax Karting: VMax Romexpo, Titan, Cluj, Iasi 

******* Voucherele se vor trimite prin mail.
